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Master in Bioinformatics for Life Sciences

Pubblicato: Venerdì 4 settembre 2020

Master in Bioinformatics for Life Sciences.

Beginning of the Master: January 2021

End of the Master: December 2022

Cfu: 80      Hours: 2000

Pre-applications: from 31st of July to 31st of October

The two years curriculum of the MB4LS is designed to bridge the gap between data and discovery.
MB4LS is designed to prepare young researchers to interact with the world’s most advanced
biological and clinical datasets and will prepare students for careers in the omics-enabled biosciences.
Since biology is now driven by data, students in the master’s degree program will learn how to analyze
biological data and apply the analytical skills and those analyses to pioneering research and industry
The 1st year provides the computer sciences knowledge required to tackle bioinformatics problems.
The 2nd year provides the knowledge in bioinformatics to handle genomics/proteomics and big data

Master Director: Prof. Paola Defilippi (, Master coordinator: Raffaele A. Calogero

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Ultimo aggiornamento: 04/09/2020 13:05
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